fredag den 28. september 2007

chronically starving

Today, more than 1 billion people in the world are chronically starving and malnurished. By contrast, the United States throws away 100 billion tons of food a year. Of a total of 6.2 billion people worldwide, roughly 1.2 billion live on less than US$ 1/day. 1.7 billion lack access to clean water. 3 billion live without decent sanitation.

Håndværker - colic-help - skate - illusion - farts

lørdag den 15. september 2007

poorest of the poor

China and India, the two most populous nations on the planet (both with well over a billion inhabitants), as well as the poor, undeveloped and developing nations that comprise the continents of Asia, Africa and Latin America, will continue to bear the brunt of world hunger and global starvation. Africa is by far the poorest and least developed continent harboring the poorest of the poor and the most destitute worldwide.

Håndværker - colic-help - skate - kuiper - area51

lørdag den 1. september 2007

exponential increase

In 1900, there were approximately 1 billion people inhabiting the Earth. Today, in 2003, that number is well over 6 billion- an unprecedented and exponential increase in 100 years of human history.

Håndværker - colic-help - skate - skyldneren - invest